AGM Review

Motions for AGM:

‘That the club appoint a sub committee to review the club constitution and bring it up to date and that same update to be made available to members for viewing, prior to being formally adopted by a general meeting of members’

Motion Passed

‘That in the event of a non election of a club captain, a competitions/tournament subcommittee of not more than 4 persons be formed to run competitions and tournaments’

Motion Passed

‘That the club increase the family membership only, to the sum of 300euro’ *

Motion Passed

*Please note that the ten euro defibrillator levy will not apply this year

President’s Speech 2015

Club Captain Speech 2015

Committee 2015





Winter League Update

8 Teams have progressed to the Knock Out Stages of the Competition;

Grade 1 Mixed

Grade 2 Mixed

Grade 3 Mens (2 teams)

Grade 3 Mixed

Grade 4 Men (Team A)

Grade 5 Mixed (Team A)

Grade 6 Mixed

Watch out for the home schedules coming shortly – weekend of the 28th Feb/ 1st Mar is packed with home matches to lend your support!