
Court Rules

For the benefit of all members please familiarise yourself with the following court rules – please respect these rules.

  • Courts may be booked by members online at from exactly one week in advance (Book a Court tab on Top Right Hand Side of Homepage). Members names must appear in the court-booking


  • Peak slots are Monday to Thursday, 5.30pm, 6.45pm & 8.00pm – a member can only book 1 court within these slots daily


  • If you have booked a court & subsequently find you are unable to use it, please cancel it in good time to allow other members avail of it (weather permitting)


  • In general, all members (junior & adult) have access to all courts, if not in use for coaching and competitions. However, there are some exceptions regarding junior members, peak slots and courts 9 & 10 – please note the following;


  • Junior members have access to Courts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 &10 up to 5.30pm on week days – courts 9-10 are designated for junior users from 5:30pm to 6:45pm every Monday to Thursday.


  • Adults have priority on courts 1-8 from 5:30pm and both adults and juniors can book courts 9-10 from 6:45pm on a first come basis.


  • From 5.30pm to 6.45pm a junior member may access Courts 1 to 8 but must be playing with an adult member. The names of the junior members must be included in the court booking


  • Junior members are not permitted on any court after 8pm



  • Please access Courts 8 & 6 using their own gate, especially if a game is in play in Courts 7 & 5 respectively. There is also an access gate to Court 2, however you may enter through Court 1 at an appropriate break in play.  Court 10 may be accessed via Court 9 at an appropriate break in play


  • Never walk across to collect your ball from another court when a point is still in play on that court. Wait until the point is over and then cross quickly


  • In competition, please speak quietly when standing near tennis courts that are in use


  • Please wear appropriate footwear; to prevent injury and to prevent damage to the court surface


  • Please do not make any adjustments to nets or net straps. If there are any issues with courts or facilities, please report them to the club phone on 087-9075656


  • Please do not leave any litter on the court, such as empty water bottles, tennis ball tubes, banana skins etc. Leave No Trace



Thank you,

Nenagh LTC Committee



Please refer to the additional guidelines on the noticeboard – “Code of Conduct” & “Court Etiquette